Friday, April 23, 2010

Heaven is our home!

As Christians we live on this earth temporarily. This earth is not our home. It is just a dwelling place preparing our selves for heaven. On this earth God told us "do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal them. Mt 6:19.

Our minds are to be heaven bound and we are to preach the word of the Kingdom of God to our fellow citizens here on earth. Whatever we do in the home or at work is only temporary and what we see on this earth; the beauty of it is just a shadow of things to come.

Have you ever stood and watched a waterfall in the woods. It’s beautiful but if you look around you will notice weeds and thistles and maybe even smell a stench from the water. That is the world we live in; a fallen and corrupt world. Even though the waterfall is awesome, it is only a shadow of what it will look like in heaven without the weeds, thistles and stench. And in our daily lives, our work won’t be so boring or burdensome but we will glory in our work as if we are working for the Lord. Things won’t be so hard anymore. That is what I am looking for; a job that I like and menial tasks such as housework and yard work to be a joy. Who knows, maybe we won’t have to do those things in heaven. But if we do, we will do it with a song of praise.

We understand that, as Christians, our citizenship is in heaven. We are aliens, pilgrims, and strangers here. Heb 11:13 While we are here on this earth we are ambassadors for Christ. We may live here for 80 or 90 years, or maybe only 40 to 50 years or even just ten. Whatever the length of time, this earth, in its present state is not our permanent residence. Heaven is.

Our bodies groan for heaven and a place to call home but God wants us to wait patiently for His coming. He wants no man to perish and that is what is taking so long for God to come rapture us and to live with Him forever. God told his apostles that He is going away to prepare a place for them and that He will come back for them so they can be with Him forever John 14.3. Well it has been 2000 years now and can you imagine the place He has prepared for them and us? It must be spectacular, beyond human comprehension or understanding.

My perception of heaven is God giving us the desires of our hearts. He wants that for us. Can you imagine a place where there is no sin or evil thoughts? The devil won’t be their tempting us or whispering evil thoughts in our ears anymore. We will be free from sin and all its misdeeds. There will be no more crime, pollution, stench, or heartache. We will shed no more tears. Our bodies will be young, healthy and vibrant. There will be no more sickness, cancer, fatal accidents or heartaches. We will be like God in all His glory.

I read a book about Heaven from Randy Alcorn. He researched heaven for 25 years before he wrote the book. When I read it I was astounded by all that heaven is. He explains heaven as a bustling city where we are all working, playing, praising God and enjoying one another. We will remember each other and the relationships we had here on earth. My dad won’t be my dad anymore but I will remember that he was here on earth. Our relationships will be on a deeper level and we will all have a common bond of continual worship and praise for our Father in heaven for our salvation and redemption. We will have new bodies as Christ does. We will be young and strong and we will never grow old and die. Death is no more and life is for eternity. Can you believe that? No more death, no more disease, and no more growing old, fragile and dying.

I can’t wait for heaven. I think about it everyday. But like God says, I need to patiently wait for him. It’s hard sometimes because life is hard. I have daily struggles like I’m sure everyone does. But what makes it easier is that if a person is poor here on earth, he will be rich in heaven. If a person like my dad didn’t achieve all his dreams here on earth he will achieve them in heaven. It kind of takes the pressure off. You know what I mean? If we are struggling and unsuccessful here on earth but are really trying hard, in heaven there will be no more fight. We’ve already won; so when you get down and depressed with this world, remember heaven is just a heart beat away and life will be perfect as the Lord intended it to be.

If you want to know more about heaven than please visit my website at: and there you will find a book called Heaven by Randy Alcorn. It is a good read.

Thank you and God Bless